Join the Program


Frequently   Asked   Questions  

  • What is the ambassador program?

    The Andar Ambassador program is a tight-knit community that works together to share all about Andar’s uniquely designed products that you’re stoked on.

  • How do I participate?

    First things first, apply to be a Andar Ambassador! Once you’re in, we’ll provide you with instructions of what to do next and campaigns that you can participate in. Ambassadors who wish to join will authentically promote our Andar on a monthly basis to their social platforms and share the message of our brand.

  • What do I get if I join?

    • A community of ambassadors who share your same vision and passion for Andar • Sneak peeks at new products • Ambassador-only contests for chances to win more free products • Access to events and other opportunities to become part of the company • Ambassador content reposted and shared on Andar channels

  • How much commission will I earn?

    We offer a starting commission of 10% on every order that is placed through your custom link with opportunities to earn more.

  • How do I get free products?

    Each month we will launch a campaign within the Andar ambassador portal where you’ll have the opportunity to ‘Opt In’ to participate. We will ship samples to those that help us spread the word through our campaigns.

  • How long is a cookie valid for?

    *Cookies, or browser cookies as they're sometimes called, are used to personalize website experiences, and can help us ensure you are compensated appropriately for people who use your custom link to make a purchase. A cookie expires after 30 days.

  • Can I share my unique link on platforms outside of social media?

    No. Your unique link is meant to be shared with your social media followers, friends, and family. If your unique link is found on platforms outside of your social media (Honey, RetailMeNot,, etc.), it is up to Andar’s discretion to change or invalidate your code, link, and remove you from the program. If your code is changed or invalidated you will be notified of these changes within 3 business days.

  • Can I use content from your site?

    You are welcome to repost any Andar content, just be sure to give us credit in the post! Original content typically performs better - your followers want to hear about your personal experience with Andar.

  • Can I join your ambassador program if I am outside of the United States?
